Faith Community

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It's not goodbye, it's farewell

From Eddie McCoven, church staff member:

We had our last Sunday with Pastor Nate and his family on Sept. 15th. We gathered for special worship to commemorate this day.

Our 10:00 a.m. gathering was bilingual, and featured music from both the Spanish worship praise group and our Sanctuary Choir. You can watch that gathering here.

Members of our church council laid hands on Pastor Nate and his family as we sent them off to their next congregation with God's blessings. 

We then had a luncheon where members of the church shared their thanks for the ministry of Pastor Nate and his wife Dámaris. Both Pastor and Mrs. Allen shared their own heartfelt thanks with the congregation.

We also got hear Pastor Nate rap one last time.

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Pastor Nate raps one more time. #faith #SanDiego

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Did we mention we will miss Natalia and Yaretzi? We know the children of our congregation will miss them.

As Pastor Nate said in his last sermon, this is not goodbye, this is farewell, see you next time. We will miss you Pastor Nate and your family. May God bless you and your ministry. 

Helping children succeed

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From James Acosta:

As a part of our "God's Work, Our Hands" Sunday this past weekend, 15 people joined together to help assemble backpacks with school supplies.

We assembled 25 backpacks for students in Kindergarten through Second grade, and another 75 backpacks for students in the Third through Ninth grades.

The 100 total backpacks will be distributed by Community Christian Services Agency (CCSA). Also, there is additional supplemental materials which will be donated to fill in any incomplete backpacks currently at CCSA.
