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Tiempo para celebrar

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Diciembre ¡Mi mes favorito! tiempo de celebrar el nacimiento del niño Jesus, de posadas, de ….Oh, pero este año es diferente.

¿Acaso podremos celebrar navidad en medio de todo esto?

Creo que sí, creo que aun en medio de la monotonía de las semanas y los meses; junto con el estrés y las tensiones, no deben ser un obstáculo para llegar a aquél que es nuestra salvación y nuestra esperanza. Pues en Adviento la espera y la esperanza deben estar inscritas en el fondo de nuestro ser.

Yo sé que tal vez al ver al mundo que nos rodea, lleno de violencia, mentiras, desacuerdos, lágrimas y sufrimientos, es difícil decir que el Señor sigue incesante y silenciosamente viniendo a este mundo.

¡Pero El viene hermanos!

Viene en la delicadeza y la paciencia, sin nada de exageraciones, en un respeto total a cada uno de nosotros. Sin ninguna violencia, sin arrogancia, sin privar a nadie de su libertad, llega en una forma maravillosa y entra poco a poco a los


Dios se muestra en su mansedumbre, su perseverancia y su conocimiento del corazón humano. Lo que un hombre deshace con violencia, otros, llamados por El, lo construyen mejor con la paz. Lo que un hombre destruye por sus odios, otros, llamados por El, lo rehacen con la fuerza del amor.

Por esto y recordando que El pequeño bebé en el pesebre nació con un solo propósito: el de vivir la vida perfecta y morir en la cruz para salvarnos. Como dice Romanos 5:8, “Dios demuestra su amor por nosotros en esto: en que cuando todavía éramos pecadores, Cristo murió por nosotros." Ese es el corazón del Evangelio y ese es el corazón de la Navidad. Es mi oración que el Señor les recuerde continuamente esta verdad y Su gran amor por ustedes.

¡Feliz Navidad!

More work, fewer workers

Clairemont Lutheran Church / Iglesia Luterana Clairemont is a congregation which faces a few challenges. And those challenges are not unlike similar congregations across the nation: a predominantly elderly population which keeps dwindling, and volunteers are short in supply.

This was definitely something our faith community faced before the COVID-19 pandemic, and now we are really struggling in terms of volunteers. While our church staff, myself included, have taken on more duties, there have been a number of dedicated people who have answered the call. To those who stepped up over the past few months to help out, thank you for being there and thank you for wanting to contribute to the life of our faith community. But with all the new rules and regulations from the state, it’s not enough; we need more volunteers to make the basic operations of our ministries happen.

It takes a lot of work to put on in-person (when public health orders allow it) and online worship. Emails are sent to out to keep everyone up to date and to provide links to the digital copy of the bulletin and the live stream videos (which are on our website). Slides have to be created so people can sing or read along without having to print the bulletin. We had to stop doing this for the Spanish worship because it just became too much work. Those slides are then uploaded to the streaming computer, and then brought up during the live worship using the software. Cameras have to be set up and taken down after use. Mics need to be tested, levels need to be adjusted (all the time, not just once). Mics, stands and other surfaces are sanitized after use.

And before I leave the sanctuary, I turn on the ultra-violet light lantern to further kill any other viruses or bacteria in the air. I’ve also taken this lantern and used it to further disinfect other rooms after use because, quite frankly, who else will? But after about seven hours, I get to leave the church campus for the day, but I’m usually back a few more hours during the week, some of which I do voluntarily because I care about what happens in our faith community.

Due to our lack of activity on the church campus, we’ve seen an increase in transients camping out, cooking, dirtying up our campus and leaving behind evidence of  some of their illicit activities. I personally took it upon myself to walk the campus regularly at night and be the person to ask these people to move along. Angela, Lewis John TenHulzen and myself have also been the people to pick up their bottles, trash, discarded clothing and other items after they leave.

When we are able to have in-person worship again, will we go back to two worship gatherings in English? As of late we don’t have the attendance and we don’t have enough volunteers at this time to do all of the cleaning, let alone a/v tech, readers, ushers, etc.

When we get through this pandemic and the life of our faith community returns to something close to normal, please consider how  can you do to help. If you can’t do something physically, maybe you can contribute financially so we can hire another staff member. Or perhaps you can help with evangelism so we can get more people in the church, especially those who are able and willing to volunteer; the future of our faith community depends on it.

Posted by Eddie McCoven with

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