Being a blessing to others

From Eddie McCoven, church staff member:
The Sanctuary looked a little different on Sunday as we gathered for worship. About 130 quilts were spread out over the pews.
Members of our Women's Ministry's Mission Quilters made all of these quilts in the last year. It's the seventh consecutive year of quilting as a part of our work with Lutheran World Relief.
These quilts will be sent out with the quilts made by volunteers at other congregations in our area. Last year's shipment of quilts were sent to Lebanon and Iran, among other places. We said a blessing for these quilts and for the lives they will touch and bring warmth and healing to.
Janet Wood, one of our Women's Ministry board members, gave a talk of the importance of the quilt-making ministry as well as the Thank-offering Sunday, where donations helps to further the women's ministry in our own congregation and as well as those throughout the U.S. and the Caribbean.
Did I mention The Campanile Ringers, our hanbell choir, provided music for the worship as well?
You can watch the full worship gathering, including the blessing of the quilts and Janet's talk about the quilting ministry and Thank-offering Sunday here: