Faith Community

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in Faith

Sewing the seeds of our faith

Sometimes parables are hard to understand. We want them to tell us to do something, but we know that we cannot earn our
relationship with God. It’s not about being able to find that one
sheep or have enough oil in our lamp or to make sure our soil
samples have been tested to have the proper nutrients for a
bumper crop.

In the parable of the outrageous sower Jesus gives some answers
for his story teaching. He tells us this is so we can understand.
Many of us have heard this before and we can jump to some
obvious conclusions. We might need to hear again, and learn
something new that we don’t already know.

Soil, like human beings, is shaped by its environment. So, if
soil is walked on over and over again, beaten down so that t becomes packed hard, it is no longer fit for the planting of seeds.
We see this in the human community, too. People who have
been walked on over, and over, and over again often develop a
hardened exterior to protect themselves.

We take good care of our lives. We set about cultivating good soil, we are not without hope. It is true that seeds landing on hard or rocky ground stands less of a chance of gaining root and thriving, but it does, sometimes, happen. There are remarkable pictures of trees growing out of rocks and flowers that push up through the pavement. These tenacious plants offer signs that the Word of the kingdom will continue to find a way to grow even on the days when we feel beaten down, overcome by thorns, or at our rockiest.

This parable is not only about the soil types, but let’s also spend a moment thinking about this farmer. In this case it is the one
who throws his seed, even into wasteful places. Lucky for us we have a God who is reckless with the way He scatters the seed.
This is the message of a street preacher who keeps standing on his soapbox every day. People seem to just keep passing by.
No one really listens to the rants. Or do they? It might not be the way we are comfortable about hearing the Word but that does not make it something other than the Word. Keep sowing. Don’t give up. 

One more thing about parables and what Jesus was really up to. Jesus did not just tell stories he observed in real life and watched real people. Jesus used these stories to tell us about everyday stuff. To get inside people’s heads and to see the kingdom was not found only in a synagogue or a temple but in daily life and in their very lives.

Jesus knew that the farmers in the crowd would wonder about this crazy method of planting. It does not make sense to real
farmers, but it got their attention. It showed them that Jesus knew something that no Rabbi would ever teach. The people were more familiar with hard, rocky soil than pristine words in the Temple.

The Kingdom of God is found in the farmer’s field and the Holy Temple. The household of faith is about the flower garden, the planted field, the rocky path and good soil. 

Our good work is to spend the time to till our own faith. To grow in faith, depend more fully on eternal hope and share the forgiving love that has made each of us whole. There is no need to be in the business of judging the fertility of anyone else’s soil.

In the household of faith, I recognize that some days God’s word bounces off my back. It’s as if I failed to recognize it even existed. On other days it can land in my hands and I hold on to it, at least until I wash my hands again. Then again sometimes it lands in my heart and grows deep into my soul. 

In-person worship soon?

While we haven’t been able to worship together in person, members of the Executive committee, Pastor Jon, and myself, are beginning to consider how we will go about gathering in
person again.

There are lots of things for us to consider. Singing? Hymnals? How to sanitize between each worship time? Communion? Bulletins? Greeters? Ushers? So many things to think about and it is overwhelming (at least for me personally). Will we have a reservation system to ensure only x number of people are in the
sanctuary at one time? So many questions that we don’t know the
answers to.

On May 19th and 21st I signed up for different webinars to see what other churches were doing, and their ideas for best practices. We got some useful tips and information that we are beginning to put together.

Another aspect of this is also what are people comfortable with? Will some stay home regardless until a vaccine comes out? Will people understand we can’t pass the peace, or why we won’t offer coffee for a while?

Please know that we are working behind the scenes to make the possibility of worship in person a reality that is safe for everyone. You should get an email, phone call, or keep checking the website for updates as we have them.

God’s peace and blessings to you all.