City Council vote paves way for affordable housing project
(Photo by Andrew Bowen, KPBS)
After months of dealing with San Diego city regulations over parking, a recent vote may soon pave the way for our congregation’s affordable housing project.
The San Diego City Council unanimously approved a measure changing the city’s Land Development Code to reduce the parking requirements for churches and other non-profits who are considering building affordable housing on their properties.
This means the congregation is now well within the requirement for parking spaces, and the construction of affordable housing units would not affect this requirement.
We are, however, still a long way out from any major decision, and the congregation will have a say in how we move forward.
In the meantime, check out the report from KUSI News.
San Diego Entertainer Magazine and KPBS also reported on the change in Land Development Code by the City Council.
Find out more about the Building Project here.