Church Staff
Rev. Elena Enriquez
Associate Pastor
Office: (858) 273-7423
Rev. Manuel Borbón
Senior Pastor
Office: 858-273-7423
Other Staff Members
Church Office | Tanya Buchanan |
Accounting and Finance | Sheri Haines |
Audio/Video Production | Lewis John TenHulzen |
Newsletter | Harriet Morris |
Children's Ministry | |
Children and Adult Choirs | Katy Lundeen |
Music leader 11:30 service | Giselle Mendoza |
Hand bell Choir | Heidi Courmousis |
Child Care | Maria Medrano |
Food Distribution | L.C. Hall |
Campus Custodian | Francisco Placensia |
To get in touch with one of our other staff members or lay leaders, please contact the church office.